What can you expect at Rockbridge?
Show up a little early to enjoy some donuts and coffee and find a seat you like. If you have kiddos grab an activity bag in the foyer with fun, quiet entertainment they can enjoy during the service!
We start our service with announcements and a time of music. If you don’t know the music or feel comfortable singing that’s ok! If you’d like to hear some of the music we will be singing ahead of time check out our music playlist on YouTube.
If you have little ones under four we offer a staffed nursery once the music time is over, as well as a comfy, quiet nursing room downstairs. Ask any greeter to show you to either of these spaces! Please don’t stress if your little ones make a little noise - Jesus said “Let the little ones come unto me,” and we are so happy to have your children and you in church today!
After a prayer Pastor Rod will give a message from the Bible.
When service is over feel free to have another cup of coffee and chat with others! If it is the first Sunday of the month, join us in the Family Life Center for a meal! We’d love to have you!
However you found your way here we are so glad to have you! No matter what stage of life you are in Rockbridge has a place for you!
Join us for Sunday worship, every Sunday at 10:45AM at 3515 Valencia Dr in Columbia —>